What you’ll learn:
How to overcome powerful desires to overeat sugar and flour
What to do when you’re unmotivated
How to be more self disciplined
What a mental plan is, why you need it and exactly how to create one
What you’ll learn:
Why we go into a free for all around food sometimes
What decisions need to be made when it’s harder
My exciting update!
What you’ll learn:
What conscious standards are
How standards will help you lose weight without willpower
What my personal standard are
What you’ll learn:
The 3 obstacles that derail you during the holidays and exactly how to overcome them :
All or nothing thinking
Saying no to food pushers
Over Desire (desire for food when you’re not physically hungry)
What you’ll learn:
Pam’s before and continuing story
How she released 20lbs without depriving herself
How weight loss coaching impacted other parts of her life too
What you’ll learn:
How to choose your goal
The benefits of 5lbs at a time
How to use timelines for you not against you
The main reason there’s drama around goals
What you’ll learn:
What to do when you’re in a downward spiral
How to think about the scale going up (again)
To never feel like you’re stuck in a struggle cycle
What you’ll learn:
11 Strategies to get your brain on board to do anything
The real reasons your not following through
A self coaching exercise to ensure you’ll do it
What you’ll learn:
How overthinking shows up for most of us (you’re not alone)
Why it’s happening
What matters most when it comes to ending overthinking food
What you’ll learn:
Exactly what to do when you’re off track - aka in “screw it” mode
2 Essential questions to ask before getting back on track
A fresh take on getting back on track
What you’ll learn:
The maintenance myth that’s holding you back
Why you’re scared of gaining the weight back and how to ensure it doesn’t
The 3 levers that help you release weight permanently
What you’ll learn:
Why you’re needing a break
How to create a plan from which you don’t need a break
When to take a break and how to do it without losing traction
What we can learn from Ross & Rachels’ break up
What you’ll learn:
How to increase how much fun you have without food
What fun truly is (connection, playfulness, flow)
How you’re making food more fun that it really is
How you can STILL eat fun foods without feeling terrible
What you’ll learn:
How to reorient yourself to feel better immediately
To redefine what progress means
If you’re tying your progress to your worth
What you’ll learn:
What to do when people say, "just eat less and exercise"
How to make what others think about us matter less
How to handle food pushers
How to navigate comments on your weight loss
What you’ll learn:
How we define emotional eating
The role emotions play in overeating
Which emotions are indications that we need to clean up our thinking
Which emotions we need to process
A step-by-step guide to process emotions so that you end emotional eating for good
What you’ll learn:
4 Steps to set you up for a successful week
The 3 main reasons you’re not taking action
How to develop and utilize emotional sophistication for weight loss
What you’ll learn:
3 Ways impatience sneaks in
How impatience slows you down
How to stay the course and enjoy the journey
What you’ll learn:
What dopamine does and why it’s important to know about
How to harness dopamine for weight loss
The neuroscience case for embracing the journey
The neuroscience behind being in a rut