What you’ll learn:
How to use the scale to your advantage
How to avoid “screw it” mode
How to connect the dots between food and weight to what’s happening in your life (without judging yourself about it)
These transcriptions are auto-generated and so they’re imperfect.
What you’ll learn:
How to use the scale to your advantage
How to avoid “screw it” mode
How to connect the dots between food and weight to what’s happening in your life (without judging yourself about it)
What you’ll learn:
Examples of secret eating I hear from clients
The real reason it happens (it’s not because you love food)
How to make secret eating a thing of the past
What you’ll learn:
What research says about feeling beautiful
To separate your self-worth from your body
How to feel better when you’ve gained some weight back
What you’ll learn:
How to identify if overhunger is the reason you can’t release weight
2 main causes of overhunger
How to fix it so your biochemistry is helping, not hurting your weight loss goals
What you’ll learn:
What you need most to stop overeating
Examples of where we overeat and why
Simple solutions for fear of wasting food, dealing with FOMO and more
What you’ll learn:
Where mindless eating might be happening for you
How to stop this type of overeating
What you’ll learn:
3 Steps to take when you’re disappointed
Practical strategies to rev up fat burning and optimize your weight loss
What you’ll learn:
When it’s likely to happen
How diet mentality shows up and why it’s a problem
3 strategies to feel in control again
What you’ll learn:
Why this fear keeps creeping up despite your weight loss success
3 Sneaky ways it leads to weight gain
What to do TODAY to clean this up
Marilyn released 49lbs (and counting) by creating her own rules. She’s open and honest about being at the point of seriously considering weight loss surgery when she came across my podcast and decided instead to try coaching first. She shares how she worked through fear and resistance and how she was able to stay consistent even when the scale wasn’t budging. If you’re feeling low or discouraged and in need of inspiration, this is a true transformation story you don’t want to miss.
Read MoreWhat you’ll learn:
The missing piece in protocol planning
Where to put your focus so that you keep winning no matter what
How to recreate momentum when things go a little sideways
What you’ll learn:
Strategies that sound good but don’t actually work IRL
Why you stress eat over and over against your own will
What you can do to stop stress related weight gain
Still find yourself entertaining ideas about super restrictive eating plans in order to see results as quickly as possible? If you need more proof for your brain to feel inspired about a slower, sustainable weight loss plan, listen in. I’m sharing another client story in which we dive into how she got out of quick-fix-mentality, how she redefined discomfort, and how she got through some challenging parts like weekends. She also talks about her perspective as a doctor; How do you stay motivated when so much of the research out there says you won’t keep the weight off long term?!
What you’ll learn:
My personal weight loss goals now and how I’m approaching it
What I’m tracking and what I’m not
My new super simple method for handling cravings or urges to overeat
Hear from my client Jackeline who released not only the 15 lbs she came to me for, but more valuable, a tonne of food drama. Her incredibly honest personal account of where she was and how she let go of her old way of thinking to finally release the weight and enjoy freedom around food will inspire you because it's possible for YOU too. Listen to learn how she did it.
Read MoreWhat you’ll learn:
How to make decisions
The difference between decisions and outcomes
How to explore your reasons
What you’ll learn:
Why you can’t always listen to your body to tell you what or how much to eat
When to rely on your mind and when to ignore it
The most common justifications that keep you from seeing results
What you’ll learn:
When you’re right on track going it alone
Indicators you could benefit from additional support
The only way to guarantee your results (no matter what you decide)
What you’ll learn:
How to start again when you’re ready but not 100% willing
How to change your past
How to generate activation energy (motivation)
How to drop shame and guilt about over indulging
What you’ll learn:
How root problems present so you can spot them
What you’re probably thinking is the problem
The real reasons you haven’t been able to release the weight and what to do about it